Hot lunches
School dinners are available and can be ordered for specific days on a weekly basis. The meals we serve are freshly prepared, full of healthy food, taste great, meet the government guidelines and are good value for money. Hot meals are cooked on the premises by Caterlink. All orders are placed directly with ParentPay. Contact the school office to activate your account.
Sandwich Lunch
Children may choose to bring a packed lunch to school. As a healthy school we ask that parents/carers provide a healthy lunch with no sweets, limited chocolate and no sugary fizzy drinks.
Please note:
We have children and staff with nut allergies and ask that food in lunchboxes do not contain nuts in any form. This includes health bars, peanut butter and any form of cereal/yoghurt pot.
The meals should be simple, well-balanced and should include only items that the children can deal with un-aided. The sandwich container must be marked clearly with his/her name and class. Parents are reminded that lunchboxes are not stored in cool conditions and care must be taken during the hotter months with food such as chicken.
Healthy School
We ask that parents do not send in cakes or sweets to mark their child’s birthday as these will not be given out by the teacher. Fresh water is easily accessed throughout the school. Children are encouraged to bring in labelled sports bottles which they can refill when required.
Caterlink School Meals Catering
We are proud of our food heritage which demonstrates our commitment to traceability of the meals we serve. Our meat main meals are freshly prepared on site and made with Red Tractor/Farm Assured fresh meat whilst our suppliers are audited by an external body to ensure they comply with our high standards and statutory obligations.
To get in touch with Caterlink, Please click on the following link and complete the online form: Alternatively, if you’d prefer to talk on the phone, please call 02476 994 820
All payments can be made through ParentPay
Caterlink Information